Local Transgender Resource and Establishment Page
Local Resources
Middle Tennessee Transgender Alliance (MTTA), as an organization, does not recommend or endorse any of the entities listed below. This information is provided only as a resource. Please do your own research when choosing a doctor or health care facility. To verify the license of most healthcare professionals in Tennessee, you can visit the Tennessee Department of Health’s website.
These professionals and organizations are listed in no particular order. If they have been recommended by individual members of the group, you may contact those members for their personal opinions. If you would like to offer a personal recommendation for this list or you’re a local professional/business that services our community, please submit the information to us. The Board of Directors reserves the right to review the information and will approve or reject any recommendation, for any reason, after discussion. If you are a business/professional who prefers not to be included in this list, please contact us to have your name removed.
Financial Resources
MTTA does not offer financial support but we will update this list of resources as we become aware of them.
Trans Education
Primary Care
Gary J Smith MD
Family Practice Physician
7640 Highway 70 S Ste 201
Nashville, TN 37221
Phone: 1-615-646-8098
Alice Sattler CNM
VIVID Health
Planned Parenthood of Nashville
Nashville Health Center
412 Dr. D.B. Todd, Jr. Blvd.
Nashville, TN 37203
Phone: 615.321.7216 | Fax: 615.320.5233
Bradley Bullock MD
Internal Medicine & Pediatrics
Cool Springs Internal Medicine
1607 Westgate Cir Ste 200
Brentwood, TN 37027
Phone: 1-615-376-8195
Mental Health
Lisa Beavers, PHD, LPC
Sex Therapist, Sexuality Educator
704 18th Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37212
Phone: 1-615-782-0504 | Fax: 1-615-782-0510
Website: nashvillesextherapy.com
Jeremy Henderson-Teelucksingh
Counselor, Coach, Consultant
Phone: 1-866-866-3512
Email: Jeremy@IndigoPathCollective.com
Website: https://www.indigopathcollective.com/
Leah Newman
2621 Gallatin Pike
Nashville, TN 37216
Phone: 1-615-752-9240
Website: leahnewmancounseling.com
Hair Removal
N2Skin Spa & Botique
Hair removal services including laser & electrolysis. LGBT friendly.
1506 Demonbreun St.
Nashville, TN 37203
Phone: 1-615-322-9697
Website: https://n2-skin.com/
Wax Pot Skin Studio
1915 Church St
Nashville, TN 37203
Phone: (615) 840-6927
Website: https://www.waxpotstudio.com/
High Frequency Electrology
810 Dominican Dr STE 106
Nashville, TN 37228
Phone: (615) 307-0890
Website: https://highfrequencyelectrology.com/
Elite Laser & Skin Care
4765 Andrew Jackson Pkwy
Hermitage, TN 37076
Phone: (629) 258-6284
Website: https://www.elitelaserskincaretn.com/
Other Resources
Uniting people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) with families, friends, and allies, PFLAG is committed to advancing equality through its mission of support, education, and advocacy.
Phone: 1-202-467-8180
FTM Essentials Free Youth Binder Program
Free Youth Binder Program. Designed for folks 24 and under who are unable to purchase a binder on their own due to financial circumstances, we are able to offer a limited number of free binders to qualifying individuals.
National Center for Transgender Equality
The National Center for Transgender Equality advocates to change policies and society to increase understanding and acceptance of transgender people. In the nation’s capital and throughout the country, NCTE works to replace disrespect, discrimination, and violence with empathy, opportunity, and justice.
Trans Buddy Program
The Trans Buddy Program’s goal is to increase access to care and improve healthcare outcomes for transgender people by providing emotional support to transgender patients during healthcare visits.
Phone: 1-615-875-2833
The Trevor Project
Founded in 1998 by the creators of the Academy Award®-winning short film TREVOR, The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25.
Resources for LGBTQI+ Students
The mission of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is to ensure equal access to education and to promote educational excellence through vigorous enforcement of civil rights in our nation’s schools. To serve this mission, OCR enforces civil rights laws to protect all students, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) students, from unlawful discrimination and harassment based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, and age.
Transgender Law Center
Transgender Law Center changes law, policy, and attitudes so that all people can live safely, authentically, and free from discrimination regardless of their gender identity or expression.
Transgender Law Center (TLC) is the largest national trans-led organization advocating for a world in which all people are free to define themselves and their futures. Grounded in legal expertise and committed to racial justice, TLC employs a variety of community-driven strategies to keep transgender and gender nonconforming people alive, thriving, and fighting for liberation.